It’s all About Boukie and Louie

Carriage Driving, Friends, Horses and Ponies Add comments

Many years ago, there were two grey Arabians that gave carriage rides through the streets of downtown Dallas. Their names were Boukie and Louie, and my girlfriend Joanne was their driver. Yes, others drove Boukie and Louie, but we all knew they were really Joanne’s horses. I always thought they were really cool. I always wanted to drive them, but never got out of driving a single. And that was OK.

Boukie and Louie are purebred Arabian geldings who used to belong to Charlie Smith and Dallas Surrey Service. Joanne was their primary driver and caretaker for years.

Boukie and Louie are purebred Arabian geldings who used to belong to Charlie Smith and Dallas Surrey Service. Joanne was their primary driver and caretaker for years.

I am unsure of the details, but at some point, long after I had left Dallas Surrey Service, Boukie had gone to live with Joanne and Louie was involved in a bad carriage wreck. I think I know the one, but since I am unsure I am not going to spread an untrue rumor. Suffice it to say though, that after the wreck, Louie was no longer suitable for street work. As luck would have it, Charlie Smith (owner of Dallas Surrey Service) ended up giving the pair to Joanne–permanently. Unfortunately as Joanne’s life changed, Boukie and Louie needed a place to live. About 4-5 years ago, with my help, the pair ended up living with another friend who wishes to remain anonymous. She adored these gray ponies. It is very hard to keep weight on old horses, and what she has done is pretty remarkable. Anyway, once more Boukie and Louie are looking for a home as her place has become unsafe. That new home was found today. Boukie and Louie have come to live with me!

My husband isn’t real keen on the idea even though when I asked him about it, after a few short responses, he just said he didn’t care and to do whatever. Even through the grumbling, my husband did come out and help prepare their paddock. And I am extremely grateful for his help. I really could not have done it without him.

Now don’t get me wrong. I did have my reservations. I have enjoyed a 2-horse life and caring for just two has been really nice. Did I really want to bring in two senior citizens (they’re 30 and 35 years old)? Did I really want the responsibility of geriatric horse care? It’s not cheap. How long will they live? Will I get attached to them so that when the time comes, I’ll lose it all like I did with the passing of Pharoah? I know death is inevitable and I really wanted to protect myself from that in the near future, but I also knew these two ponies deserve a good retirement. They have more than paid their dues. So I very carefully decided I could handle the responsibility. And here they are!

It is all about Boukie and Louie!

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One Response to “It’s all About Boukie and Louie”

  1. Denice Says:

    I love old carriage horses. They’re just glad to have a pasture and still love the company of humans. Thanks Donna. Good job.

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