Spring is in the air, and birdies are everywhere! That pretty much sums it for this past week in North Texas.
I have a bird feeder that hangs outside of my kitchen window. Today was true birdie eye candy. Throughout the day I kept glancing out the window to find a wonderful variety of visitors at the feeder. It actually started late yesterday afternoon when I discovered a very bold Tufted Titmouse. Today there were two of them. We have a number of House Finches making regular appearances, too. An Eastern Bluebird also made an appearance at the feeder. Of course there were all the common sparrows, and several Northern Cardinals. Carolina Wrens like visiting, but I haven’t seen any in a few weeks. A few years ago, we had a Wren family make their home in our laundry room. Unfortunately the next was built before we could do anything to encourage them to nest elsewhere. It was fun watching the nest and the eggs and then before I knew it, baby birds. The hummingbirds should be back any week now. …guess I’ll have to get my feeders ready.
Tags: Birding, birds
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