It’s all About Purpose

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“Find a purpose in life so big it will challenge every capacity to be at your best.” ~David O. McKay

I came across this quote today. I think we all have this capacity. I know I do. I strive to be at my very best every day. I don’t always succeed; I do try, though.

I think having purpose is like having a job. Everyone needs purpose. Sometimes you have to be quiet to discover what your purpose is. I know that sounds almost like a cliche, but it’s a fact that we all know so well. To gain the guidance and know your purpose, you have to be quiet and listen.

Your purpose may be for a few hours, a day, a week. Each purpose has a different time frame and we never know what that might be. Be mindful and listen. You too will find your purpose.

My purpose today is making people smile. What’s yours?


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