It’s all About Networking

My Day Job Add comments

I have some new business friends. I call them business friends because I met them through my day job, that’s business. So they are my business friends. One new friend is all about marketing. I’m still getting to know her, but her knowledge and experience humble me. I know nothing in comparison. I couldn’t help myself, had to check out her blog when I read her post about making her resolution to blog more. In reading through the posts, I stumbled onto one that I had to share here. I just love it…

Here are our Networking Rules to live by: PLANS

1) PROTECT -just like your family; be honest and guard against ill will done to them

2) LEVERAGE -ask for guidance, recommendations and support to make things happen

3) ALLEGIANCE -pinkie swears and IOU’s apply here

4) NURTURE -share your knowledge, insight and most importantly, your time

5) SUPPORT – everyone appreciates a pat on the back, especially during the rough times

You can read the whole post here:


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