It’s all about Letting the Sun Shine in!

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“Let the sun shine
Let the sunshine in
The sun shine in

Let the sun shine
Let the sunshine in
The sun shine in

Let the sun shine
Let the sunshine in
The sun shine in”


Winters in North Texas are typically pretty mild with a handful of crappy weather days. Yes. Crappy weather. I said it. When the weather is bad in North Texas, it’s really bad. There is no middle ground. At least not in my opinion. This winter season we have seen more crappy weather than in years past. In fact we had our first white Christmas in over 50 years and we now stand at the second snowiest winter in Texas’ history. While I’ve enjoyed some of these snow days and bad weather (in hopes of freezing out all the bugs), I have really had enough. I am ready for the sun to come back out and shine once again. I need the sun to replenish my happy supply and make me smile again. I shrivel horribly when the weather is crap. Today, the sun is out and life is good.

Let the sun shine in!


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